The two types of car accident injuries are impact injuries and penetrating injuries.
Impact injuries occur when a person’s body hits some part of the interior of the car. Penetrating injuries can include cuts and scrapes caused by shattered glass or loose objects flying inside the car.
A soft tissue injury is characterized by damage to the body’s connective tissue (muscles, ligaments, and tendons). Common soft tissue injuries caused by car accidents include:
Sprains and strains
Rotator cuff tear
Anterior cruciate ligament tear
Pinched or compressed nerve
Symptoms of a soft tissue injury may include:
Numbness or tingling
Inflammation or swelling
Discoloration or bruising
Pain when moving a specific body part
Pain when putting pressure on a specific body part
Cognitive problems, such as trouble concentrating or memory loss
Symptoms of a whiplash injury may include:
Neck pain and stiffness
Worsening of pain with neck movement
Loss of range of motion in the neck
Headaches, typically starting at the base of the skull
Tenderness or pain in the shoulder, upper back, or arms
Tingling or numbness in the arms
Blurred vision
Memory problems
Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
Sleep disturbances
Difficulty concentrating
Car accidents may also cause traumatic brain injuries, including concussions, contusions, Coup-Contrecoup, diffuse axonal, and penetration.
A brain injury can cause the following symptoms:
Dilated or uneven pupils
Numbness in extremities
Impaired alertness
Impaired ability to deal with emotions
Extreme exhaustion
Sensitivity to light or sound
Slowed thinking or response times
Patients should seek medical attention regardless of whether they experience symptoms. Many car accident injuries are difficult to detect without a medical examination.
Car accident survivors may need a treatment plan that incorporates pain management techniques, joint and soft tissue injections, and occupational medicine. The right treatment will depend on the patient’s condition and level of pain.
Treatment for car accident injuries may incorporate pain management techniques, such as cold and heat therapy, gentle exercise, physical therapy, therapeutic massage, biofeedback, music therapy, mind-body techniques, and occupational therapy. Each patient will receive personalized recommendations from their doctor for treating and managing pain.
Westcare Clinics also offers joint and soft tissue injections to help minimize pain from a car accident injury. These injections may include sacroiliac joint injections, epidural injections (interlaminar and transforaminal), piriformis injection, and trigger point injections.
Westcare Clinics offers occupational medicine for patients who need to continue working while receiving treatment for their injuries. Our team of healthcare practitioners is also available to help employers adapt the workplace and worker responsibilities according to the physical limitations of an employee undergoing treatment.
Car accident survivors with severe symptoms may need further treatment for their injuries. Advanced treatment may include surgery, acupuncture, chiropractic adjustment, physical therapy, and other forms of rehabilitation. The Westcare Clinics team is happy to answer any questions patients may have about obtaining advanced treatment.
Car accidents can cause a variety of conditions and require accident and injury care.