A bone break or fracture may be caused by a car accident, sports injury, or fall. Small fractures may be caused by repeated wear on a bone, such as from running. Other causes of fracture include:
Signs of a fracture include:
Pain, especially when trying to move or put weight on the injured bone
Bruising or change in skin color
Bone poking through the skin
A fracture may also be accompanied by breaks in the skin, nerve damage, muscle damage, and organ damage.
During a doctor’s visit, the physician will examine the patient and check the injured area for mobility and possible damage to blood vessels or joints. Typically, an X-ray exam is necessary to identify the broken bone and diagnose the patient.
Other imaging tests may also be necessary to determine the extent of the fracture and associated damage. For example, an MRI can show greater detail if the fracture is small, such as soft tissue around the bone, muscles, and tendons.
A CT scan may also be done to create a three-dimensional image in horizontal or vertical slices of the injured area.
The doctor may first inject a dye into the arteries and then do a scan to make it easier for them to identify damage to blood vessels. Finally, if nerve damage is suspected, the doctor may order nerve conduction studies to check for damaged nerves.
Patients with broken or fractured bones may require a treatment plan that includes pain management techniques, joint and soft tissue injections, and occupational medicine. The right approach to treatment will depend on the patient’s pain level and overall physical condition.
Treatment for broken or fractured bones may incorporate pain management techniques, such as cold and heat therapy, mind-body techniques, gentle exercise, physical therapy, music therapy, biofeedback, therapeutic massage, and occupational therapy to help manage their symptoms. Each patient will receive personalized recommendations from their doctor for managing their pain.
Westcare Clinics also offers joint and soft tissue injections to help minimize pain associated with a fractured or broken bone. These injections may include piriformis injection, epidural injections (interlaminar and transforaminal), sacroiliac joint injections, and trigger point injections.
Westcare Clinics offers occupational medicine for patients who need to continue working while their bone heals. Our team of healthcare practitioners is also available to help employers adapt the workplace and worker responsibilities according to the physical limitations of an employee undergoing treatment for a broken or fractured bone.
Patients experiencing severe symptoms may need further treatment. Advanced treatment for broken and fractured bones may include surgery, physical therapy, and other forms of rehabilitation. The Westcare Clinics team is happy to answer any questions patients may have about obtaining advanced treatment.
A bone break, also known as a fracture, occurs when a bone is struck by excessive force and requires treatment. Fractures can range from minor to severe, depending on the force of the blow and if other areas of the body have been damaged.